Protecting Central Oregon’s Black Butte region, now and for the future.

The Black Butte Region

Nestled in the heart of Central Oregon’s rugged landscape, the Black Butte region stands as a sanctuary of natural beauty and ecological diversity. Defined by its dramatic volcanic peaks, including the iconic Black Butte, this landscape offers a breathtaking tapestry of forests, meandering rivers, and expansive plains.

Within this majestic wilderness, a rich array of native wildlife finds refuge. From majestic elk grazing in the meadows to elusive black bears roaming the forested slopes, the region teems with life. Birdsong fills the air as golden eagles soar overhead and colorful songbirds flit among the branches. The clear waters of its rivers and streams teem with vibrant populations of trout and salmon.

Protecting the Black Butte region is imperative. As a vital habitat for countless species, it provides crucial breeding grounds, foraging areas, and migratory pathways. Preserving this wilderness ensures the health of local ecosystems, protecting clean air, water, and soil for both wildlife and human communities alike.

Our focus is to not only safeguard the ecological integrity of the Black Butte region, from Mt. Washington to the Metolius River, and from Suttle Lake to Sisters, but also ensure that future generations can continue to find solace, inspiration, and wonder in its majestic beauty.

Ready to make a difference?

Whether you contribute time and energy to one of our initiatives or funds to help us achieve our conservation goals, we welcome your support. Our important work depends on people like you.